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It's a Nomad's Life

In the last three months I've had to do some scrambling and sorting to figure out where and what and all the good stuff that comes with that. It's been days of extreme exhaustion, falling asleep with the light on, only crossing one menial task off the to-do list at a time, trying to remember and interpret dreams, asking hard and even harder questions.

In the last three months of such searching and struggling, I've wished my thoughts would write themselves so I didn't have to devote the time to sitting down to write them out, but alas, they never did. Somehow, today, tonight, this time, it felt right to finally spend the time to write again.

I won't go over the last three months, mostly for your benefit, but also for mine in that I would like to sleep during the next few days.

Why the title, you ask?

During the last three months I've been asked repeatedly (which isn't strictly exclusive to the last three months versus all the other months of my nomadic life) where do I live and/or where am I going home? The incredulous looks I receive when I respond that I don't have a home and I'm nomadic never ceases to amaze me. It's just not a concept in the culture of people I most often meet here in the US. Some are curious, some are envious, some are displeased, some are in disbelief. Almost none of them can believe it's actually real: I don't have a home.

So where am I and where am I going?

Well, like any good daughter should on occasion, I'm visiting my parents and strengthening the bond that can only come through a child's adulthood. I'm leaving in a few days to continue the "nomadness" as I'll call it. First a short visit with a dear friend and then off to work for a week out of a hotel room. You may read how many celebrities get tired of living out of hotel rooms, and I imagine that if I lived out of stingy ones (not that they do), I would also get tired of it. However, I do enjoy moderate to nice hotels on a very regular basis, i.e. more time spent in a hotel room than other living establishments.

How else do I live as a nomad? I house sit. I've done this off and on for years, but until recently I didn't know it was a "thing" with websites and references and such. I just met people around in my travels, kept in touch, and randomly did house sits for them. Granted, I now wish to house sit a bit more than I did then, so I am quite glad for the recent trend in house sitting. So far I've had wonderful and even more wonderful experiences house sitting and I look forward to my next house sit in the near future.

Being nomadic also means I try my absolute hardest not to take any jobs that might tie me down or only be successful if I can commit to staying for a few years, like building a music studio. It's a bit (I actually mean drastically) harder to find the kind of work I've consistently enjoyed and thrived upon with my newest addition, Mr. Denny Crane, aka, my shadow.

I love the little guy to death but it is at times quite hard to see the challenges presented with owning any animal as a chance to stretch my limits and explore new boundaries and step outside my comfort zone. There are ups and downs in the process as there always is in life, and I'm doing my absolute best to enjoy the ride without throwing up everywhere. <-- That is purely theoretical as I absolutely love the wildest rides I can find.

I see this new venture with my new "muffin" (it just fits him), as almost

like a New Years for most people. This is the time to eat healthier, get fitter,

go outside more often, try new things with new people, figure out ways to

travel further, find new jobs that I love.

It's time to embrace my new doggy-included "nomadness" with all of its challenges and face the fears they bring with the passion and fervor I bring to the other areas of my life.

If anyone needs a house sitter, wants to learn about house sitting, or loves rabbit dachshunds, let me know!

Happy to share information. Happy to share tales. Happy to learn.

Ok, ok... just happy :-)


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