An Unanticipated Journey
It's been more than six months since my last post. It hasn't been an easy six months. Some of the toughest decisions I've ever had to...

Top Gun: Maverick, Life Lessons
It's very interesting how life sometimes works things together to teach you lessons. In the last several months I've learned a lot, as...

The Insanity, Interests, & Intensities of OLO 2022
It has only been a month since my last post but it feels almost like a year. The last two months have pushed me beyond the limits I...

Harder on my Back, but Easier on my Wallet
The last post about my adventurous vacation near the Pacific Ocean was a while ago. It was time for another trip to calm the nerves and...

A Funny Little Encounter in the Korean Bakery
Once in a while, life gives us fun moments to live. Yesterday, I was driving down the street and saw a Korean bakery on the other side. I...

Yesterday was too much
I was going to write this post yesterday, but I kept bouncing around in my emotions and never felt in a good place to write. So I'm...

Discipline: Finding the Right Key to Open the Door
The last year has been really really hard. For everybody. I used to roll my eyes every time someone asked for Pachelbel's Canon or that...