A Chapter Closed
Sometimes when the book is really good, you might skim ahead just to take a peek at what's going to happen. I sure wish I could do that...

Top Gun: Maverick, Life Lessons
It's very interesting how life sometimes works things together to teach you lessons. In the last several months I've learned a lot, as...

Hunting for hope in the new year.
The new year is here and one month is almost over already. It's starting the same as the last year plodded along. To try to make the new...

Keeping Afloat
Not much noteworthy has happened between the last post and now. I did take my car back to the mechanic as it was still leaking oil. He...

Discipline: Finding the Right Key to Open the Door
The last year has been really really hard. For everybody. I used to roll my eyes every time someone asked for Pachelbel's Canon or that...